M2ATK Container House



DESIGNER: M2ATK                                           BUILDER: M2ATK                                                    BUILD DATE: 12 Oct 2010

LOCATION:                                       PHOTO CREDITS: M2ATK                                     RATING: 4 Stars. 


 The designer of this container House is M2ATK, a Mexican Architectural Firm based in Mexico City. The client who asked for the home is an artist and wanted an open space to be creative.

 Build Method

As a design only at this stage, M2ATK construction consists of 3x 20ft (6M) High Cubes containers, stacked upon one another, in a staggered format.  All three levels have glazing on the same elevation facing the view to let the natural light in.

 According to the client's instructions, the ground floor is a public space with the kitchen and living room. In the design, the first floor is the bedroom, and the top floor is a studio space: to paint, read, and think, "to let to fly the imagination”. The staggering creates neat terrace-like areas on the second and third levels and a shaded overhang for the first level.

 “For flexibility, the internal layout was designed to meet the vacation home and cabin requirements. Easily installed, the container house also can easily be removed if the property is ever sold.”

 This future house would be fully equipped with heating, bathroom, kitchen, climate control systems, high-quality furniture, and telephone/internet access systems for a quality living environment.

 Interbode Thoughts

 We like the simple staggered form with the external staircases extending to three levels. It is reminiscent of the Italian country farmhouses which require you to go outside to get to the upstairs bedroom levels.  A pretty cool design which would be ideal if you are trying to obtain water views and don’t mind living rather vertically!


m2atk1 designs



High Level Architectural plans of the M2ATk concept by Interbode’s Design Workshop.

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